Best Slam of all Time

Please go watch this video before reading any of my blogs. If you do not get the chills then please, go. I have nothing more to offer you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th in the public Schools

Today in history class, students were taught about the roaring 20's. They learned it yesterday, and they will probably learn it tomorrow as well. In fact, they will be learning about the roaring 20's every day until they graduate. And here is why. Apparantly we don't want to teach our children about anything that happened too long ago or was too tragic to remember. Sounds crazy? Well, that is exactly what has happened in our public schools today with regards to 9/11. Most schools wouldn't recognize or even acknowledge the memory of that most infamous day. I say SCREW THAT! What are we teaching our children if we can't even portray the import of current tragedies and events. CNN certainly has no qualms about teaching them about car bombings and turning our soldiers into baby killers. Oh, I'm sorry, that last one was Obama. I get my cowards mixed up sometimes. Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Valley Forge, Crossing the Delaware, Yorktown, New Orleans, Alamo, Bull Run, Fredricksburg, Gettysburg, Chancelorville, Vicksburg, Antetiem, Appomattox, Lusitania, Verdun, Dunkirk, Pearl Harbor, Tunsinia, D-Day, Sicily, The Bulge, Crossing the Rhine, Midway, Phillipines, Guadalcanal, Wake Island, Okinawa, Liberation of Kuwait... These are just a FEW of the many days of just AMEICA'S history where somebody decided that something was worth a war and worth remembering. It's called freedom and it is brought to you by the heroes of our country's past and I will be damned if I'm going to sit around while a few ignorant, selfish, cowards try to denounce and downplay any of these events, along with the heroes of flight 93, firemen rushing up the stairs, and the lives of thousands of Americans lost and affected by the inhumanely, cowardly attacks upon our soil. So, in MY classroom today, I selected random times and played our National Anthem from my computer as I would stand and salute our Old Glory that represents that past, those heroes. And I will never be as proud of my students as I was when they all joined me at attention and paid respects to those memories for the duration of the anthem. Lest we forget. Lest we forget.